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Scalable Spatial ALD

SALD, worldwide the only company having the expertise to scale up Spatial ALD technology to high volume production

SALD Technology

What is Spatial ALD Technology?

Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition (Spatial ALD) delivers a form-following high-quality coating at the atomic level. Compared with conventional ALD, this ingenious technology stacks atomic layers many times faster.

Highest throughput and coating performance at the lowest costs are the key added values Spatial ALD brings. Our in-depth expertise in Spatial ALD technology, combined with our unique ability to swiftly transfer your application from lab to fab, offers you exciting and groundbreaking opportunities in today’s growth markets.

Our technology
  • Maximum throughput
  • Lowest costs
  • Efficient use of material

The differences

Temporal ALD vs Spatial ALD

Temporal ALD

  • High-quality 3D layers and suitable for porous substrates.
  • Limited deposition speed
  • Parasitic backside deposition
  • Batch process
  • Vacuum chamber and pumps needed
  • High cost per substrate

Spatial ALD

  • High-quality 3D layers and suitable for porous substrates.
  • 100-300 times faster deposition speed by our spatial technology in combination with plasma enhanced deposition
  • Continuous S2S and R2R process
  • Atmospheric pressure deposition
  • Scalable to large areas & flexible substrates
  • Industrially proven, cost-efficient mass production.

Already interested?

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We know your industry

Our Major Growth Markets

Battery Technology

Solar Energy

Green Hydrogen


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